среда, 27. јануар 2010.

Villages in Indjija - Maradik

Maradik is a small village in north of Serbia, located in AP Vojvodina, Srem region and in Indjija muncipaliry.
Coordinates at: 45°06'N 20°00'E and is located about 10km (6.5 miles) west from Indjija. Ethnick Majority are Serbs that are 60.66% of it's population. On 2002 census Maradik had 2298 of wich 1394 or 60.66% were Serbs, 552 or 24.02% were Hungarians, 105 or 4.57 were Croats, 90 or 3.92% were Yugoslavs.

Historical population: 1961: 2651 / 1971: 2350 / 1981: 2255 / 1991: 2120 / 2002: 2298

In Maradik we have ethno hous, basicly it represents private ethno museum with authentic rooms and items that were used in the past.

четвртак, 21. јануар 2010.

Villages in Indjija - Beska

Beska is a small village in Serbia, located in Vojvodina, Srem region and in Indjija municipality.
Coordinates: 45°08'N 20°04'E

Historical population: 1961: 5,378 / 1971: 6,351 / 1981: 6,377 / 1991: 6,166 / 2002: 6,239

Majority are Serbs and are 76.39% of it's population, 506 (8.11%) are Croats, 208 (3.33%) Yugoslavs, 137 (2.20%) Hungarians, 89 (1.43%) Roma.

Beska was mentioned first around 1564 while it was under Ottoman rule and mostly Beska was populated by Serbs. When Habsburg came to rule Germans settled in village. After World War II Germans run from village and insted of Germans village was populated with Croats.

Few restaurants on Danube river makes Beska perfect place for rest and relaxation in which whole family can enjoy.

среда, 20. јануар 2010.

Vilages in Indjija - Novi Karlovci

Novi Karlovci (Sase) is small a village in Serbia, located in Vojvodina, Srem region and in Indjija muncipaliry. 

Coordinates: 45°05'N 20°11'E

Historical population: In 1961: 3,427 / 1971: 3,060 / 1981: 3,050 / 1991: 2,947 / In 2002, population was 3,036 and majority are Serbs and are 95.42% of it's population.

Sijacki shor is one of the most popular promenade's in Novi Karlovci. Sase's beauty, nice girls and atractive place to live makes me wanna say that one day all of us are going to be Sassani.

уторак, 5. јануар 2010.

Indjija - Big Events

One of the most important and bigest event's in Indjija's recent history was a concert of The Red Hot Chili Peppers. The concert was held few milles from Indjija near highway E75. As a part of Green Fest concert lasted for 80 to 85 minutes. On Green Fest we could also see Edo Majka,  Ritam Nereda, Kasabian, Kiril... At the concert was approximetly 100,000 people and many came from other countries to see one of the most popular bands of today.

From 1. to 12. july Belgrade and Serbia were hosts to the Universiade. Indjija was also one of the city's that were hosts. Again Indjija showed that is a good host and a great organizer of large events.

субота, 2. јануар 2010.

Indjija - History

From 1918. Indjija became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes that changed name 1929 to Kingdom of Yugoslavia. After World War I and World War II many factories were built. Faster industrial and trade development began in the first half of 20th century and new, modern road from Belgrade to Novi Sad was built around 1939. Prior to the WWII Indjija was one of the best and most developed settlements in Vojvodina.

Coordinates: 45°03'N 20°05'E, Country: Serbia, District: Srem. Good positon, between Belgrade and Novi Sad, allow fast progres and expansion of Indjija.

Inđija municipality includes the town of Inđija and the following villages: Novi Karlovci (Sase), Beška, Jarkovci, Krčedin, Ljukovo, Maradik, Novi Slankamen, Slankamenački Vinogradi, Stari Slankamen, Čortanovci.


Indjija may have existed from 1455 but first reliable evidence says that Indjija existed from 1496. It is mostly populated by Serbs and was part of Ottoman empire. 1717 Indjija becomes part of the Habsburg Monarchy and today's 1746 Indjija was founded by Serbs. At the begining it  had approximately 60 households, 1791 it had 120+ households and more than 1000 residents.

State postal service was established and telegraph could be used since 1850. It allowed money transfer since 1886 and first bank and trade school was opened around 1897.

Industrial progress began with first mils and 1890 Indjija got first steam mill which provided strong industrial development. Other factories  were opened like brick factories, furniture, fur factory, and many more. Railroad came in Indjija around 1883 and provided strong support.