субота, 2. јануар 2010.


Indjija may have existed from 1455 but first reliable evidence says that Indjija existed from 1496. It is mostly populated by Serbs and was part of Ottoman empire. 1717 Indjija becomes part of the Habsburg Monarchy and today's 1746 Indjija was founded by Serbs. At the begining it  had approximately 60 households, 1791 it had 120+ households and more than 1000 residents.

State postal service was established and telegraph could be used since 1850. It allowed money transfer since 1886 and first bank and trade school was opened around 1897.

Industrial progress began with first mils and 1890 Indjija got first steam mill which provided strong industrial development. Other factories  were opened like brick factories, furniture, fur factory, and many more. Railroad came in Indjija around 1883 and provided strong support.

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