Maradik is a small village in north of Serbia, located in AP Vojvodina, Srem region and in Indjija muncipaliry.
Coordinates at: 45°06'N 20°00'E and is located about 10km (6.5 miles) west from Indjija. Ethnick Majority are Serbs that are 60.66% of it's population. On 2002 census Maradik had 2298 of wich 1394 or 60.66% were Serbs, 552 or 24.02% were Hungarians, 105 or 4.57 were Croats, 90 or 3.92% were Yugoslavs.
Historical population: 1961: 2651 / 1971: 2350 / 1981: 2255 / 1991: 2120 / 2002: 2298
Coordinates at: 45°06'N 20°00'E and is located about 10km (6.5 miles) west from Indjija. Ethnick Majority are Serbs that are 60.66% of it's population. On 2002 census Maradik had 2298 of wich 1394 or 60.66% were Serbs, 552 or 24.02% were Hungarians, 105 or 4.57 were Croats, 90 or 3.92% were Yugoslavs.
Historical population: 1961: 2651 / 1971: 2350 / 1981: 2255 / 1991: 2120 / 2002: 2298

In Maradik we have ethno hous, basicly it represents private ethno museum with authentic rooms and items that were used in the past.
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