One of the most important and bigest event's in Indjija's recent history was a concert of The Red Hot Chili Peppers. The concert was held few milles from Indjija near highway E75. As a part of Green Fest concert lasted for 80 to 85 minutes. On Green Fest we could also see Edo Majka, Ritam Nereda, Kasabian, Kiril... At the concert was approximetly 100,000 people and many came from other countries to see one of the most popular bands of today.
From 1. to 12. july Belgrade and Serbia were hosts to the Universiade. Indjija was also one of the city's that were hosts. Again Indjija showed that is a good host and a great organizer of large events.
From 1. to 12. july Belgrade and Serbia were hosts to the Universiade. Indjija was also one of the city's that were hosts. Again Indjija showed that is a good host and a great organizer of large events.
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