Beska is a small village in Serbia, located in Vojvodina, Srem region and in Indjija municipality.
Coordinates: 45°08'N 20°04'E
Historical population: 1961: 5,378 / 1971: 6,351 / 1981: 6,377 / 1991: 6,166 / 2002: 6,239
Majority are Serbs and are 76.39% of it's population, 506 (8.11%) are Croats, 208 (3.33%) Yugoslavs, 137 (2.20%) Hungarians, 89 (1.43%) Roma.
Beska was mentioned first around 1564 while it was under Ottoman rule and mostly Beska was populated by Serbs. When Habsburg came to rule Germans settled in village. After World War II Germans run from village and insted of Germans village was populated with Croats.
Few restaurants on Danube river makes Beska perfect place for rest and relaxation in which whole family can enjoy.
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